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Manitoba’s August PNP Draw: 615 Invitations Issued – Sky Reach Overseas Guides the Way SkyReach

Manitoba’s August PNP Draw: 615 Invitations Issued – Sky Reach Overseas Guides the Way

Following an application deadline, the Manitoba government selected members of the Advisory Council on Economic Immigration and Settlement (ACEIS) on July 13, 2023, to serve as the council’s chief advisor on economic immigration and settlement in Manitoba.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) of Manitoba has once again shown its dedication to luring skilled immigrants to the province, which is a significant development. A remarkable 615 invitations were sent to qualified applicants following the August draw, further enhancing Manitoba’s standing as a top location for immigrants looking for opportunities and a high standard of living. The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) draw for Manitoba is scheduled for August, and Sky Reach Overseas, one of the best abroad job consultancy in Kolkata

 in Kolkata, is eager to share the most recent information. Here, we’ll go into more detail about this most recent draw, its ramifications, and what it means for those looking to immigrate.

Breaking Down the Numbers:

615 candidates applied for provincial nomination as a result of the August PNP draw conducted through Manitoba. These invitations were dispersed among the program’s various streams, each of which catered to particular skill sets and qualifications. The distribution of invitations highlights Manitoba’s initiatives to diversify its immigrant population while addressing the unique labor market needs of the province. As a reputable international job consultancy in Kolkata, we know the significance of this number. 

Express Endeavour Candidates Reaping the Benefits:

An interesting aspect of this draw is the weighting given to applicants who have already submitted an application to the federal Express Endeavour pool. In order to support the federal government’s initiative to expedite the immigration process for candidates who have demonstrated their ability to succeed in the Canadian labor market, the province of Manitoba has extended a significant number of invitations to Express Entry candidates. In our capacity as a reputable international job consultancy in Kolkata, we have helped candidates with the Express Entry process by assisting them in emphasizing their skills and credentials in order to stand out in the selection pool.

Implications for Candidates:

This is a significant advancement in the immigration process for those who received an invitation. Their qualifications and the compatibility of their skills with the needs of the Manitoban economy are demonstrated by the invitation to submit an application for provincial nomination. It gives them a chance to demonstrate how dedicated they are to advancing the growth and development of the province.

Why Manitoba?

Manitoba is a stunning province in Central Canada. It has consistently been the top destination for new immigrants. The most recent PNP draw serves only to highlight Manitoba’s commitment to providing an immigration route that benefits both new immigrants and the development of the province’s economy. Every applicant’s unique aspirations and career goals are known to us. Our goal as the best abroad job consultancy in Kolkata of matching our candidates with opportunities that match their skills is perfectly aligned with these initiatives.

The following justifications are provided for wanting to establish permanent residency in Manitoba.

  • People from various cultures.
  • The atmosphere.
  • Solid Labor Market.
  • Living is reasonably inexpensive.
  • Amenities and services.

Looking Ahead:

Sky Reach Overseas is steadfast in our resolve to assist our candidates in achieving success. The PNP draw in August is evidence of Manitoba’s tenacity and our commitment to assisting applicants in making the most of these opportunities. The province continues to issue invitations, showing its commitment to its immigration goals despite the unsettling times.


The August PNP draw’s impressive issuance of 615 invitations demonstrates Manitoba’s determination to welcome qualified immigrants who can boost the prosperity of the province. As the Best abroad job consultancy in Kolkata, we’re proud to be part of this journey with our candidates, supporting them as they explore the exciting possibilities that Manitoba has to offer. Aspiring immigrants have a fantastic chance to take advantage of this attraction, showcasing their skills and securing a chance to integrate into Manitoba’s diverse and vibrant community. With its welcoming atoms present, robust economy, and wealth of opportunities, Manitoba continues to shine as a beacon for those looking to make Canada their new home.